How to Grow Up and Wake Up
This 12 week course offers you an opportunity to create your own map for personal growth and spiritual development. Both personal and spiritual development paths can be highly complex and finding a direction can be confusing. In this course you will gain clarity on what growing up and waking up mean for you and develop a picture of what your growth can look like in domains ranging from the spiritual to the cognitive to the interpersonal.
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Develop a clear picture of the stages of increasing spiritual depth and personal maturity and the practices that lead to personal development and transformation. Create an individual picture of your growth in the personal, relational, and spiritual domains and design a map of where you would like to go.
Register Now for $297
Register now!This course will provide you with a map of and best practices for Growing Up and Waking Up including:
- creating an environment (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual) and an intention for growth
- becoming acquainted with the map of adult development and locating yourself on it
- developing greater skill at meditation and spiritual inquiry
- enhancing your cognitive depth (perspectives, the complexity of thought, critical thinking)
- increasing psychological wholeness (dealing with shadow issues)
- defining your life purpose and ethical and spiritual values
- translating growth at each stage
- engaging in relationships for growth (associating with wise and spiritual people and ideas, examining and working with personal relationships)
Each module lasts two weeks to give you time to fully engage with the material and the other participants in the course. You will leave with a comprehensive map of your own development and your plans for growth.
Here is a brief summary of the contents for each module.

Module 1: Overview: Waking Up and Growing Up
- The difference between growing up and waking up
- What causes people to transform and what gets in their way.
- The map of adult development
- Setting an intention for your growth.
Module 2: The Process of Development. The Shadow and Cleaning Up.
- Processes that lead to stage growth
- Assessing your own center of gravity, leading edge, and stickpoints
- The cognitive line of development
- The effect of shadow on development
Module 3. Key Spiritual Practices.
- Determining purpose and values.
- Keeping higher self in charge.
- The Six Skills of Meditation
Module 4: More on Growing Up. Showing Up. Relationships.
- Self-assessment of developmental stage
- Second tier values and behaviors
- The characteristics of a healthy "we" space
- Assessing relationship skills
Module 5: More on Waking Up
- The states of consciousness.
- Myths of enlightenment
- The skill of inquiry
Module 6: Synthesis
- Integrating waking up and growing up
- The O’Fallon model
- Spiritual skills for showing up
- Summary of best practices for growth