The Koan Of Illness

Book Reviews

No Boundary

No Boundary, written in l979, is one of Ken Wilber’s first and most enduring works. In it, Ken looks at the way we close ourselves off from all of life and our own deep spirituality by drawing boundaries between self and environment, between mind and body, and between persona and shadow and discusses how we might reclaim these lost parts of ourselves to reveal our True Self. In addition to reviewing the book in detail, Lynn places it within the context of his other work.

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Grace and Grit

Grace and Grit is one of Wilber’s most beloved books. It tells the story of his life with his wife Treya who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer shortly after their marriage. It weaves integral theory into their struggle to find a cure, relate to one another with depth and honesty, and live a deep spiritual life in the midst of a worsening situation.

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