The Koan Of Illness

Integral Resources

See below for text and video materials



Integral Resources

A list of prime sites for information about Integral philosophy.


Books by Ken Wilber

A list of prime sites for information about Integral philosophy


The Four Quadrants

A list of prime sites for information about Integral philosophy


The Four Quadrants Video

A six minute video describing the quadrants.


The Four Quadrants Video

A six minute video describing the quadrants.


The 3-2-1 Shadow Process

Find your shadow issues and work with them.

Stage Development Theory:

A Natural Framework for Understanding the Mediation Process.


Wicked and Wise in a Nutshell

The principles outlined in this workbook are derived from Wicked and Wise, How to Solve the Worlds’ Toughest Problems by Alan Watkins and Ken Wilber.


Universal Translator Post Conventional Stages

This table lists various elements ranging from self-sense to limitations of the higher stages from Green through Indigo. Stagen Institute has a table for Red through Green for those who are interested earlier stages.


First Tier vs. Second Tier Discourse

A chart outlining aspects of an integral conversation.


Integral Discourse: A Commodious, Growthful, and Cooperative Approach to Conflict

Integrative Practices in Rhetoric, Developmental Psychology, and Conflict Management. PhD Dissertation by Lynn C Holaday, Ph.D.


An Integral Perspective by Bettina Hartmann

A beautiful set of graphics detailing the AQAL Map.


Chronic Illness Resources

Find articles, links, and other information about various illnesses, the intersection of illness and integral theory, and movies and books related to illness.




The STAGES Model of Adult Development

Patterns of Developing Maturity

Presentation on Terri O'Fallon's Model Description by Lynn Fuentes 

Download the Powerpoint

Integral Theory

Jose Ricardo Fuentes presents an overview of Integral Theory.

The presentation was sponsored by Integral Dallas

Why It Is Important to Grow Up before Waking Up

Dr. Lynn Fuentes

We often toss aside personal growth in the rush to awaken spiritually. However, the latest iteration of adult developmental theory by Terri O’Fallon shows us that, as she puts it, “Growing up IS waking up.” Cognitive, moral, and ego development allows us to embrace more depth and complexity and thus enables us to “hold” greater spiritual experience, which may be disconcerting and even terrifying at lower levels of ego development.

The presentation was sponsored by Integral Sedona

Adult Stage Development

Dr. Lynn Fuentes describes the revolutionary discoveries of the past thirty years of adult development research.

She shows how they can be applied to help people grow and transform.

The presentation was sponsored by Integral Dallas

Adult Developmental Stages – Part 1.

Dr. Lynn Fuentes asks us to examine our own development through recognized stages of meaning-making. She avoids stereotypes and labeling and highlights the healthy capacities that each stage offers to our world.

Part 1 deals with basic patterns of development and characteristics of stages through modern consciousness.

Adult Developmental Stages – Part 2.

Dr. Lynn Fuentes

Part 2 begins with postmodern consciousness and continues through the highest stages of development.

No Boundary - Book Review

No Boundary, written in l979, is one of Ken Wilber’s first and most enduring works. In it, Ken looks at the way we close ourselves off from all of life and our own deep spirituality by drawing boundaries between self and environment, between mind and body, and between persona and shadow and discusses how we might reclaim these lost parts of ourselves to reveal our True Self. In addition to reviewing the book in detail, Lynn places it within the context of his other work.

— Click here to download Presentation (PPT)

Grace and Grit - Book Review

Grace and Grit is one of Wilber’s most beloved books. It tells the story of his life with his wife Treya who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer shortly after their marriage. It weaves integral theory into their struggle to find a cure, relate to one another with depth and honesty, and live a deep spiritual life in the midst of a worsening situation.

— Click here to download Presentation (PPT)

Six Skills of Meditation

Jose Ricardo Fuentes presents the six skills of meditation Meditation made simple. I define meditation as the art of becoming intimate with your true Self, which for me is Love. Intimacy with Love makes us increasingly wise an compassionate.

The presentation was sponsored by Integral Sedona

21 Skills of Spiritual Intelligence

Jose and Lynn Fuentes present the 21 skills of Spiritual Intelligence at a meeting of Integral Sedona. Whether we are religious believers, atheists, or anything in between, it turns out that we agree quite easily on what it means to be spiritually evolved human being. Developing these 21 skills will help you to get there.


The Koan of Illness: an Overview

Living with chronic illness is a hero's journey. The following 6-week stand alone courses are designed for people suffering from chronic illness and their caregivers. You can begin with any of the courses, pick and choose, or do them all. Click here to learn more.