Transformation Teaching Courses
Join a vibrant community of forward-thinkers and visionaries where every course is a journey towards inner peace.
Explore CoursesThe Koan Of Illness series
If you or a loved one suffer from a chronic illness, join us in this journey of healing and growth.
Transformation Teaching Series

Un Curso de Milagros
A space to read, study, learn, practice and live the teachings of A Course in Miracles to bring forgiveness into your life and remember your true identity in peace and love.

How to Grow Up and Wake Up
Everyone talks about personal and spiritual growth, but few offer a comprehensive map of what that looks like. Using the lens of integral theory, we will look at our personal evolution in relation to the self/Self, the “other,” and the objective world through the concrete, subtle, and causal levels of development. The course is designed to provide clarity and…

It's Not Too Late
Without support and feedback, it is hard to realize our dreams. Books can give us the how to on goal setting. Motivational speakers can get us up and running. But who cheers us on when we’re only halfway through the marathon?

The Four Dimensions of Healing
Healing is not a one dimensional experience. Illness brings issues to all aspects of your life. This integral map shows us how to get a handle on each of the four fundamental areas we need to heal: our personal trauma, our relationships, our interactions with…

I Should Have Done It Yesterday
Perfectionism leads to procrastination. Learn some tips for dealing with both in this mini course. In four days, you will understand why you procrastinate and what you can do about it – and you will also have a dreaded task completed!

Spiritual Intelligence
The Six Skills of Meditation
Meditation is a way of transforming the self through self-observation. It involves the development of particular skills, among them being able to relax and concentrate, to remain imperturbable despite inner and outer distractions, to be alert, and to be aware. Being integral and holistic, it explores interrelationships between body, mind, and…
Transformation Teaching Courses

The Koan of Illness Series
Does the complexity of chronic illness management overwhelm you? Do you struggle to navigate the paperwork, the emotions, the lifestyle changes that illness brings?
Everyone who deals with illness, whether patient, caregiver, provider, or administrator, deals with a complex mixture of personal, technical, institutional, and spiritual issues.

The Six Skills of Meditation
Meditation is a way of transforming the self through self-observation. It involves the development of particular skills, among them being able to relax and concentrate, to remain imperturbable despite inner and outer distractions, to be alert, and to be aware. Being integral and holistic, it explores interrelationships between body, mind, and…

How to Grow Up and Wake Up
Everyone talks about personal and spiritual growth, but few offer a comprehensive map of what that looks like. Using the lens of integral theory, we will look at our personal evolution in relation to the self/Self, the “other,” and the objective world through the concrete, subtle, and causal levels of development. The course is designed to provide clarity and…

It's Not Too Late
Without support and feedback, it is hard to realize our dreams. Books can give us the how to on goal setting. Motivational speakers can get us up and running. But who cheers us on when we’re only halfway through the marathon?

The Four Dimensions of Healing
Healing is not a one dimensional experience. Illness brings issues to all aspects of your life. This integral map shows us how to get a handle on each of the four fundamental areas we need to heal: our personal trauma, our relationships, our interactions with…

I Should Have Done It Yesterday
Perfectionism leads to procrastination. Learn some tips for dealing with both in this mini course. In four days, you will understand why you procrastinate and what you can do about it – and you will also have a dreaded task completed!
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After the Wrecking Ball: Ten Principles for Finding Peace Amidst Conflict
Dr. Lynn Christine Fuentes
After her life fell apart in l995, the author “received” ten spiritual principles that guided her to develop a new and thrilling life. This book describes how these principles can work in our lives and how to use them to create abundance, joy, happy relationships, and peace.

It’s Not Too Late: You Can Grow a Bright Future Starting Right Now
Dr. Lynn Royster Fuentes
Millions of adults are disillusioned, disappointed, and even despairing about the way their life has turned out. They may have worked hard and done what they were supposed to do, but the rewards they expected aren’t there for them. Others may have made major mistakes and fear they will continue to be held back by them for the rest of their lives. This book shows us how to resurrect our lost or “impossible” dreams, step onto a path of our own choosing, and succeed in achieving our most treasured goals.

The Koan of Illness: An Integral Approach
Dr. Lynn Royster Fuentes
Using the comprehensive integral maps of philosopher Ken Wilber, himself a person with long-term chronic illness, the author describes effective ways to frame and clarify the realities of living with chronic illness and then shows us how to work with these maps to improve each area of this life, from managing personal disempowerment and trauma, to handling relationship changes, to negotiating social attitudes, to shifting interior values and beliefs.